We had the privilege of having Amy come speak to our Mom’s group. During her talk, she provided actionable tips on how to declutter our lives & homes to reduce the amount of time spent managing and organizing STUFF. Her delivery was authentic as she shared her personal journey and how she started “living differently” which resonated well with our audience. I highly recommend her as a speaker and coach as she’s able to present in a way that makes the topic of decluttering and organization possible….one step at a time.
Jamie Coffey
Amy lit my fire to do more organizing! I feel so much calmer when I come home after an insane day of work. To this day, I continue to practice the systems she helped me put in place. I feel so much better and lighter after getting rid of them. So THANK YOU!!”
Kate Janich

When I got stuck, Amy took the time to nudge me through the tough decisions and helped me see what things I was hanging on to for no good reason. I needed this helping hand approach as opposed to a “dump and move forward” approach. I so appreciated the extra time she took with me to accomplish the goals.
Amy Dagliano
Amy helped me understand how freeing it would be to finish this project. I’m so happy Amy helped me to stick with this project and see it through! I’m able to accomplish so much more now that the sea of clutter is gone, I know where everything is, and my surroundings are inspiring but calm so I can focus. I highly recommend her, and I especially love that she meets you where you are to create systems that you can maintain on your own indefinitely.
Diana Forbes

Your course helped me so much. I realised sometimes we hit the overwhelm button and we don’t know HOW to do something so we get stuck. But having someone come in either mentally or physically and help you is life changing and can really change your mindset from I can’t to I can.
Maddy R.
I made my way through our apartment and then tackled our storage unit…which we now no longer have! I was finally able to let go of things “I might need” that I never actually needed. I feel so much better and lighter after getting rid of them. So THANK YOU!! Your words were life changing.

I don’t post much but am very thankful for the motivation you have provided Amy. Every day feels more refreshing just getting rid of the things we don’t need.
Amy, I have to tell you, I’ve been reading your posts and with our upcoming move you have inspired me to purge things I have held on to for years because “I might use that someday. Thank you!!!
Kim Walser

OMG my room has been so nice to sleep in the last two nights with no clutter. Thank you for helping me sleep better.
Mia Suite
Amy Slenker-Smith is a sorceress of organization and space management! I have been fortunate enough to have Amy’s coaching for three moves in the past three years. Amy is masterful at encouraging clients to slow down long enough to be mindful about one’s connection to a particular item before deeming it worthy of moving or keeping.
Danielle Powers

I just wanted to thank you for all the videos and advice on your Facebook group. I’ve been using your advice for the last year and continuing to clean out to live simpler. I related to your story about the past when you were overwhelmed, and I recently have developed chronic headaches and physical tension from the everyday stress of parenting, work, and house stuff. We’re in the process of doing some architectural, electrical, and painting work in our family room which is basically the main hang out and playroom of our house. But being able to simplify decor and putting out what is most meaningful to us (mostly travel decorations and wall decor) has helped tremendously. I also donated a lot of our Christmas decor this year and last year so that decorating is easier and more of a family thing to do together without being overwhelming to put up and take down. It’s definitely a different way of thinking but is helping me feel more relaxed and present.