During the past 15 years, I have realized many benefits from living simply. This lifestyle delivers financial freedom, less waste and a desire to shop sustainably, just to name a few. [bctt tweet="“The most sustainable purchase is left on the shelf.” —Joshua Fields Millburn" username="simplyenoughamy"] Over time, I found that living simply and sustainable practices go hand-in-hand. It opened my eyes to how owning less means living more. To start, our family eliminated excess shopping and created a strong financial plan. We paid off $30K of debt, followed a budget, and saved aggressively. It was a turning point that prioritized experiences over stuff. In the years to come, travel brought us to peaceful ocean waves, still quiet of the mountains, and the majesty of our national parks. Having witnessed these treasures first hand, I turned my focus yet again, to preserving them and living more sustainably. Now, we take great care to purchase without plastic and consider an …