Kid's Artwork is abundant in our house even with just one child. Households with multiple kids struggle to tackle the volume of paper clutter. And every parent finds their kid's artwork difficult to get rid of because of the memories. Artwork more appropriately falls under sentimental clutter versus paper clutter. And sentimental stuff requires its own process. Currently, I am working on a small scrapbook for my son's elementary years. I collected some photos and artwork over the years. With each passing grade, there is less and less. In the end, I asked for his help with a few large books of his first writing samples. We read them together and laughed at the funny sentences. He noted 6 or 7 pieces that he truly remembered. I snapped photos of those. Without prompting, he said, "I think I'm ready to pass these on. I don't need them." Here's 3 Reasons Why Time - Several years had passed since he wrote the stories. He's not attached to them. And he won't be more attached …
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