It was Day 3 of our two-week adventure to Hawaii. As a family, we love active vacations making the islands an ideal location. That said, sometimes my son hits a wall and just cannot keep up. Our morning activity included snorkeling at Hanauma Bay where the sharp coral scratched his leg and nearly scared him off forever. I realized that we had crashed into that proverbial wall as I led him back to the beach and tossed the gear aside.
I wish I could tell you that I’m really good at recognizing these moments. That I am calm and compassionate. Or that I plan for them and always schedule rest days and early bedtimes. I do not and I am human. 🙂 Thank goodness for grace! Like many moms, I make mistakes and sometimes don’t even realize it until we’re reduced to tears.
My son was excited, overstimulated and jet lagged. We filled every hour of those first three days. After the crash, he and I sat on the beach, snuggled and slowed down. The beauty of the bay encircled us with tropical fish, blue waters and green mountains. The natural preserve was peaceful in the early morning overcast skies.
Be Still
I reached for my necklace to remember the words engraved on it…”Be Still.” I felt stress roll off my shoulders as we recharged. Finally, he smiled as we sat quietly while the rest of the family floated with the fish.
“Mom, that’s a volcano.” Startled by his words, I said “Are you sure?” “Yes – See the lines coming down? That’s from the lava when it erupted a thousand years ago.” I thought, “Wow…he’s right.” Would I have noticed this on my own? Or was I too focused on snorkeling to even look up?
Just sit. Be still. Sit and look around at the world. Of course, this is easier while on vacation. But surely day-to-day opportunities exist too? Yes! They do!
These simple activities encourage me to look up and be still. They fit easily into my busy days and are a reminder to be present, intentional and less distracted. Each one restorative and well worth the time. I look forward to them and some days even manage more than one!
- Walk around the yard and enjoy my garden
- Drink coffee or iced tea on the front porch
- Watch my son sleep, read or play with his toys
- Park the car and look around before I jump out
- Look out the window
- Listen to the birds
What activity helps you to slow down and “Be Still”?
I love this! I need to do this MUCH more often. Thank you for the reminder.
Thanks Kristi. I’m so glad the post resonated with you. This morning I stepped outside for some fresh air shortly after I woke up. Just to look around. It was a great start to my day!